About Me

Hello! I am a stay at home mom who absolutely loves to bake! I took a few culinary arts classes while finishing my undergrad, and I found I had a real passion for making up my own recipes. I also occasionally make and decorate cakes as well. (you can check out my cakes on my website or on Facebook)

About a year ago, I decided that I wanted my family to eat a bit healthier. Well, there wasn't any way that we were about to give up on gluten, dairy, meats, white flour or sugar. Instead, I decided to ditch the preservatives and make everything from scratch. I've created this blog for sharing my favorite recipes and tips on making everything from scratch. So...maybe the things I make aren't "healthier", but they sure taste good! Mixes just can't compete with the flavor, texture and taste of homemade goods.

Feel free to have a look around and try out some of my recipes. If I post a recipe that is not mine or has been slightly changed, I will acknowledge where I found the original, and if it was found online, I will provide a link to the original recipe. I do ask that if you decide share one of my recipes, please credit my blog by providing a link to my original post. Thank you!